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Every time a block that could contain ores is broken, there's a chance that ores will spawn around the player. Ores spawned this way depend on the Y level with spawn rates similar to vanilla ore distribution. Mining can be done at the same y-level for every ore like you'd do in vanilla Minecraft.

It is recommended to use silk touch when mining ores, to then smelt the ores using an ore smelter factory for better rates than fortune might give.


Ores can also spawn in veins. Veins can take many different shapes depending on the ore type. A common strategy for mining out these veins is to mine a box around every found ore, stretching as much as 11 blocks from the center ore found. Every time an ore is found a message will appear in chat notifying the player that they've discovered a new ore. It is common to use blocks or a waypoint mod to mark the ores to gain a sense of the shape of the vein to better be able to mine one out.

Any ore can be found in a vein but diamond ore only spawns in veins.

Diamond Vein

Netherite pickaxe bonus

Netherite pickaxes provide a multiplier to ore spawn rate, and give diamond veins a chance to spawn multiple ores at once, instead of only 1 per discovery as per normal for diamond tools and below. Making Netherite tools a worthwhile investment for any miner.


While mining there's a chance a fossil might drop, these fossils can be broken in the ore smelter factory for a small chance at loot. The most common loot is either dirt, sand, or gravel.

--Table of all drops/chances--