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Unique Plugins

Hiddenore - Where to find your everyday ores, and more.

Factorymod - Crafting but better, The industrial revolution has come to Minecraft.

Finale - PVP Tweaks, important to know for those inclined to conflict.

PvP Server - CivMC's PvP server, where players can practice all their combat skills

JukeAlert - Surveillance, get to know how to track thieves,griefers and other villains. or learn how to avoid being seen.

Bastions - A late game field of protection and control around your city, or military infrastructure.

Realistic Biomes - How to get XP and why you can't grow crops like normal.

Heliodor - Unique high value resource and its various uses.

Transport Changes - Faster rails, copper rails, faster horses and disabled elytras

Chunk Limits - Limits how many things you can place in a chunk like redstone.